Stereo Tintype Joseph Wyman Photo

Stereo-Tintype captured by friend & fellow wet plate artist, John Hall / Dallas, Tx


Pittsburgh photographer & Army Veteran currently traveling the U.S. in my custom built 2011 Ford E-350 Shuttle Bus immortalizing folks with a process of photography from the late 1800s, called Wet Plate Collodion. A.K.A, Tintypes.


Message me if:

  1. Want to work with me.

  2. Want a digital scan of your Tintype from a past event

  3. Know of a killer spot to set up my pop-up studio on my travels (Such as Coffee shops, Breweries, Barber shops, Venues, Tattoo shops and etc! )

  4. Safe place to park my van in your area

  5. Know of a secrete spot that no one else knows about in your area, small town or city.

  6. Travel recommendations

  7. Questions about the Tintype process or my lifestyle (van life)

  8. Playlist jams for the road

  9. Rates on Mentorship ( only if I’m in your area )
